LP45 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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just different

Views: 407

Gusting winds wreak havoc
Across open fields.
Thought a freight train was
Passing through my 1880 built
Hemlock constructed home.
Looking out my kitchen window
At the old smokehouse some of the
Shingles have held steady
While others have given way.
In between our houses,
My neighbor’s American flag
Waving ever so proudly,
Its pole made stronger than
Last time bends but never breaks
As if it was laughing at the wind.
Younger stronger trees dance
With the wind while their elder
Weaker counterparts
Lean precariously as they
Do their best to withstand.
It started last night when
The hawk and his entire
Generation of family members
Descend on the countryside
At recorded speeds of almost
55 miles per hour.
And just when it seemed to ease up
Thinking we were getting a break
Swoosh!! Another gust comes through
To knock us off course.
Howling in the bright shining sun
Like wolves at a full moon,
Temps dipped like ballroom dancers
Suspended in time.
Trash cans and lawn furniture
Tossed around like rag dolls
Screen doors remain locked
To keep from being ripped
Off their hinges as my flood light
Stands watch illuminating my yard
Should someone need to stop by.
This old drafty house drinking
Heating oil like the Queen Mum
Sipping her afternoon tea.
Did we miss the memo of the
Invisible hurricane or tornado
The meteorologists forgot to mention?
If March is supposed to
“Come in like a lion”,
Then I pray that it slows its roll
And is calmed to the purr of a kitten.
This windstorm is blowing my mind.


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Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Absolutely brilliant... I expect nothing less than a masterpiece from you... Just wow! Wordplay Imagery, insight, intelligence, and brilliance is on full display...

LP45 says:

Thank you again KQD. This was a result of real time events from the other night. Our Jersey weather here has been crazy in the past few days. It was truly "written in the moment". Thank you for reading it.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, Ladypoet45! Well choreographed! Powerful rhythmic imagery! You had me dancing in the wind! Thanks for the share. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

SYQ222 says:

That is Awesome absolutely Awesome

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LP45 says:

Thanks Steph.

RonnieL says:

Dopeness! Imagery of words...Spellbound!

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LP45 says:

Thank you Mlowe5 for your support, and you as well RonnieL. When you have an “in the moment happening” like that, it’s hard not to write about it. I’ve always loved the feeling of the wind before a storm hits. Preferably when it’s warm though. Peace and blessings to you both and thank you for reading my works.

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