I am beautiful.
I have a good heart.
I do my best not to be
Negative towards others.
I am a support system
For anyone who needs me.
When I give and show respect,
I am by any means, entitled to the same.
We were all created equally.
We all have red blood in our veins.
No one person is better than the other.
Although the times we live in
Suggest otherwise,
I will do my best not to conform.
I can only be myself and no one else.
And pray that those who continue on
Will be better than me.
I am here to learn so I can
Teach as time goes on.
Because education is free
And knowledge is power.
I will give whatever I can
As long as I am able.
Even if it’s just my time.
I will only take when I am in need.
I will not hinder another’s ambitions.
But will support in any way possible
If I know of someone else in need,
I will pay it forward.
If I see someone that’s upset,
I will do my best to help.
If I can’t figure things out for myself,
I won’t be afraid to ask for help.
I will do my best to stay true to my word.
I will learn to forgive and not hold a grudge.
And in the end when each day is through
I will thank God for my blessings,
I will thank him for all of you.
For my next book Uplifting the Future: Inspiring Our Children Today for a Better Tomorrow