mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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I use to think how better it would be

if I knew then what it is that I know now.


Then the Master reminded me

that if I had not embarked upon the journey,

I would not know what I know now; that if

I did not endure the sojourn to now,

I would not be the strong man coming on.


Yes, as an extracted ebony exodus journeyman,

there have been many seas and rivers to cross;

many waters to wade; many mountains to climb;

and many valleys, plains, and desert to wander.


All have taught and clarified the same seminal lesson:

the journey is more important than the destination.

For it is in journeying that one realizes purpose and vision;

acquiring the knowledge and skills to reach the destination.


I’ve come a long way from where I started from;

and there is still more to journey to the destination.


I may not be where I want to be; I may not be where

I ought to be; I may not be where I’m going to be;

but praises be to God, I am not where I once was.


The ancestors have left footprints for me—a head start;

now I must do the same for those yet to come.

Yes, the journey is more important than the destination;

may I journey to the fulfillment of my foot-printed purpose.


Like Moses, Malcolm, and Martin, I may not get there with you;

 but having journeyed thus far, I know we can and will get there!

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LP45 says:

An excellent and educational write Mlowe5. We all have our experiences of wisdom to share and I enjoyed reading every line of truth in this write. Thank you for sharing this. Peace and blessings.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, Ladypoet45. Much appreciated; and I am glad you appreciated this share. Peace and Love, mlowe5
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2b2b2 says:

Thank You, much respect mlowe5....this is real talk that resonates with me completely! Namaste
Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

This is an amazing piece...we all have our own journey and we never know anyone personal journey just by looking at them...thank you for sharing this❤️

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mlowe5 says:

Thanks 2b2b2. Feedback much appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5
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mlowe5 says:

Thanks gmcgee325. I have come to realize that we never journey alone. But that God and the extended family also journey with us. You continued support is much appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5

Wise_Notion says:

Powerful true...thanks for sharing

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mlowe5 says:

ONE, Wise_Notion. Peace and Love.
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mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme for fueling me in the journey. Peace and Love.

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