J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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The Untitled Journey (Ocean of Misery, Shores of Freedom)



Views: 356


I breathe,

I exhale,

Nothingness overtakes me.

The stars loses its magnificent glow,

where am I....only the echo of my question befriends me.


I sink into oblivion.

I reach for what is not there,

I grasp for an invisible hand...HELP ME SOMEONE!



Thoughts of failure engulfs me.

The death of my parents is too much to bear!

My loneliness becomes chains as I sink further and further into....where the hell am I..

only the echo of my question befriends me.

Within me a courageous voice screams in rage!

"Why are you giving up! I say!

Have you not come this far with the aid of God!

Have you forgotten that you are never alone for within your heart your parents reside!

Have you forgotten the Love of God!

Break free and fly once again for you yourself are a Free Spirit awaiting evolution!

Seek not others but seek God!

Awaken what is lying dormate inside you and set me free!"



I realize the depths of my pain as still to this day I fight.

The chains loose its grip as I begin my swim to the surface.


I swim for freedom!


I will not allow pity taken upon myself be the end of me!

I will not let this overtake me!

God give me strength!

With a surge of energy I rise!

Gasping for air I see the stars in all its splendor!

To the shores of freedom I swim with renewed energy.

As I crawl from the ocean of misery I whisper, "Lord thank you."

I rise....slowly....still shaken....I begin to walk...faster...SWIFTLY!

the journey continues...


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Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Magnificent penning

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