Iscomart | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
The mind is friendly stranger

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just different

Views: 283
Thoughtless The mind is running dry, abandoned to waste in empty space where there is nothing to quench its taste A dark vacuum where thoughts never sprout. Can a plant dwell without the sun? No! so does the mind feed. The mind as lost its ways, even demons flee it's pat searching for better wit, where is hope when the pat to heaven runs through clouded hell. The mind is running dry and it's up to you to quench its taste. By iscomart

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Iscomart, you are well on your way to the realization of a pregnant poetic mind. The birth from such a mind is a matter of labouring. Continue on the path to fulfillment. Peace and Love, mlowe5

poems by this commentor


Iscomart says:

Thanks mlowe5 I would keep trying to achieve that
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Iscomart. this one puzzles me a bit,as your thoughts are running, never dry... oblivion, might work here... but, that's another story.

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