Iscomart | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
The mind is friendly stranger

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Death the stalker



Views: 316

"Death the stalker" Strange things happen, The moment one is lost, Another is found. We know life is given but what is taking? Slowly we are making waves, But time is counting graves. The young are frightened by the future, because the past mirrors it. If we can't reach our full potential, How else can we achieve life credentials. Shall we stay still and feel safe or move on and act brave? Well the truth be told, death is a stalker and it hides within the shadows, either way life must go on to strive for balance. By iscomart

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Iscomart, this is a powerful pen. Indeed " must go on to strive balance." When you review the past of Ourstory, you will find the footprints that have been laid for you to achieve that balance. History mirrors one thing, Ourstory reflects another. As you continue your poetic journey, know that it is forward ever, backwards never! Peace and Love, mlowe5

Elvan says:

Interesting piece, it shows balance as optimum, something seldom sought and even less likely acquired, yet is necessary to capture peace of mind because death seek everyone each day. Good delivery Iscomart.

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RonnieL says:

Wow...great introspect of ones choice and decisions through journey's of life. Xcellent write!

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Iscomart says:

RonnieL am glad you love the piece.

Iscomart says:

RonnieL am glad you love the piece.

Iscomart says:

emcintyr1981, am glad you loved it.

Iscomart says:

Mlowe5 thanks so much for reading.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Surprising ...depth of understanding is great in this piece... read this into it... we, being the rest of us, have exactly the same perspective... carried forward in time... consider this in writing ....mind transfer, out of body experience

Iscomart says:

Thanks Charles2, I would consider it.

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