kenni_writes | Poetry Vibe
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I just want us all to be one

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Views: 237

Wish I could articulate 

How I feel 

For your touch. 

I’ll probably never

Find another 

To match your love. 

You are missed


I can’t bring myself 

To hit you up. 

We’ve already 

Hit enough window panes. 

Why would I put myself 

Through that again?

We spent more time 

Putting out fires

Than we spent soiling the bed. 

The connection 

That I crave 

Is the same 

That I dread. 

The cherry picked memories

Are hardly worth the weeds. 

Our toxic energy 

Was wrapped so tightly 

Around my soul

That I couldn’t breathe. 

I pitched my insecurities


That you would 

Knock them out of the park. 

You made excuses not to swing 

Until it was after dark. 

We looked around

And the stands were clear. 

Everyone quickly lost 

The will to hear

Everything that we were 

Going back and forth about. 

And without an audience,

There was no reason 

To extend the lease

For our place 

In the clouds. 

Every then and now,

I am flooded

By thoughts

Of the happily ever after 

That we were planning to build.


When I think of

How long it took

For me to heal....



Copyright 2019 by Kentrell Blanche

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Elvan says:

This piece flows with memories of pain and joy capped with the reality of been there done that. Very nice write.

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