My Twilight in the blinding day light Why do if feel strongly like my life is twilight in the daylight even on the brightest day of burning hot sunlight
Perhaps, it because I often lose sight, of what important or what’s right even in my mind’s hindsight
When I focus on an ultraviolent light, my mind will wonder leading me to a rough plight
When I peer into the preciousness of the succulent intensely shining bedazzling light of life
I am sometimes lost and confused even when I am allowed to avoid most toils and strife
It is as though something carries me forward holding my hand guiding me through spotted yet unseen blights
I travel this road called the trials of life, sometimes feeling utterly helpless and of course uptight
I stumble and fall refusing to stay down, even when I am losing the fight in search of a, more perfect light
I wonder at times why I don’t flee in fright, but then I realize I was raised not to ... |
Adrift in Time I find myself adrift in time
Many days just lost deep within my mind
I can’t see a single directional sign
I'm wandering and adrift floating in time
I find myself lost and adrift in time
Without a single person to treat me kind
I drift as though there is something to find
I don’t seem to be able to break this bind
I find myself floating and adrift in time
Without a clue as to how to stop the grind
I feel the need to loudly pine
As my soul seeks to greet the great divine
I find myself being carried away adrift in time
With only the ability to cry and whine
I don’t know how to get my light to shine
I guess I will find the solution drifting in time
I find myself lingering and adrift in time
Not knowing if or did I commit a crime
I look to the universe for the gr... |
Negro Pride Unspoken Wisdom Speaks
Where has American Negro pride gone? Not the arrogant, selfish, and opportunistic kind but the kind which taught our slightly and ill-educated community elders to understand the importance of focusing on improving the educational opportunities for our children because they understood the importance of obtaining a good education; I emphasize good because good in our community meant exceptional
Where has American Negro pride gone? Not the arrogant, selfish, and opportunistic kind but the kind which taught our slightly and ill-educated community elders the need to fight for equal education under the law while knowing they would not individually reap a personal benefit from their struggles with the quaint understanding our children were more than worth the effort
Where has American Negro pride gone? Not the arrogant, selfish, and opportunistic kind but the kind which taught our slightly and ill-educated community elders that t... |
At the heart of our survival and growth is the Negro Woman Unspoken Wisdom Speaks
At the heart of our survival, growth, and endurance is the Negro woman who needs to be nurtured, loved and challenged.
Being nurtured develops a sense of love of self, which then freely flows from her heart, spirit, and soul the benevolent love of being, the altruistic love of child, and the charitable love of all.
Being loved develops a sense of self-respect, affection, care, and compassion along with a desire for a deep understanding and appreciation for self, a child, and all.
Being challenged develops a sense of personal growth, self-preservation, protectiveness, strength, survival, and a deep admiration of life and what it has to offer to self, to a child, and to all.
With all these factors at work, it gives her the ability to guide and teach our young; along with the capability to endure the struggle while embracing hope faith and possibilities through growth, positive beliefs, right strategi... |
American Negroes are a very diverse people Unspoken Wisdom Speaks
American Negroes are a very diverse people; we come from all walks of life with different thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and fortunes given or cast upon us mostly by the ire of the man who wanted for us a high level of failure in our new found freedom and this person is none other than the malevolent Traducer
American Negroes are a very diverse people; we were released-freed into a world of wide open space carrying with us rags for clothing, scraps for food, mostly nothing in currency, and a heaping helping overabundant amount of optimism, which mostly blinded us to the harsh wanton reality awaiting our arrival into a so called free society
American Negroes are a very diverse people; we believed freedom was all that was necessary for a good start in life after being in bondage for over 200 years, it is clear we were wrong in our thinking because the society that released us had a heart filled with disdain and ... |
The Old American Negro Church Leader Unspoken Wisdom Speaks
Where has the old American Negro Church Leaders gone? What happened to the ministers who sucked the life out of the congregation by bilking them out of every single dime he possibly could, while making promises he had neither the capacity nor intentions, whatsoever, of fulfilling?
Where has the old American Negro Church Leaders gone? What happened to the ministers who assumed a pious position and were mostly unapproachable by the general congregation; for his time and importance was more valuable than the time you spent on bending knees in your prayer closet in the presence of the Lord himself?
Where has the old American Negro Church Leaders gone? What happened to the ministers who understood, a poorly educated person of faith would easily part with their money and valuables; while he preyed on their belief of the lord will always provide for fools and babies or is... |
Peonage and the American Negro Unspoken Wisdom Speaks
A newfound and more profitable Bondage after slavery (Peonage) As it turns out slavery did not end after the Civil War. The Traducer bent of revenge found a more opportune way to take advantage of the newly released Negro people who had no guidance from leaders because while we were allowed to congregate on the plantation we had no real leadership outside of it, which allowed greater society the opportunity to devise a cruel and fiendish plan to whisk away our rights and freedom to increase their wealth and position in life and of course without our welfare, health or physical safety in mind
A newfound and more profitable Bondage after slavery (Peonage) It is amazing the level of cruelty we had to endure for the simple privilege to exist, so called freely in America; the Traducer is extremely resourceful when it comes to acquiring the dollar bill. He is the most underhanded animal to walk the face of the earth; his... |
The Mother of America Unspoken Wisdom Speaks
When did the American Negro woman, the mother of America become a b---h and a hoe? When did our young women decide it was acceptable to be depicted as an unworthy mindless sex craving pestilence upon greater society, let alone our village community?
When did the mother of America, the Negro woman become a b---h and a hoe? When did our young women begin to allow their self-respect to be lured away from them by the sweet words and deeds of a young man who doesn’t respect them and meant them absolutely no good, whatsoever, even when she is the sole provider of the family?
When did the American Negro woman, the mother of America become a b---h and a hoe? When did mother stop teaching her daughter to demand respect from young men or did they simply follow her example when it came to catering hand and foot to her brother's needs?
When did the mother of America, the Negro woman become a b---h and a hoe? When... |
Oh The Sacrifice Unspoken wisdom speaks
Oh the sacrifice of being an outspoken Negro, can often be viewed as not worth the effort because he is often thought of as being radical, crazy in vision, or simply an Imbecile because his vision is but a fog in the distance for most of his peers, which often in time becomes awe stunningly obvious
Oh the sacrifice of being an outspoken Negro can often be viewed as not worth the effort because she is seen as the ungrateful Negro, who is going to make trouble for the entire village community and of course when her efforts provide a positive outcome, she is seldom if ever given the proper credit for this turn of events because we have a tendency to believe that society was ready to relinquish it to us anyway, no matter the depth of fallacy found in that belief
Oh the sacrifice of being an outspoken Negro can often be viewed as not worth the effort because he is viewed with skepticism and curiosity by his own people the... |