what do I know, do I know the truth
I do know what I believe to be true
still it don't make me know the truth
If not one of us knows the truth
each and every one of us are liars
If no one knows the truth then the truth
never was to begin with, to every truth
a lie is being told, for every lie told some truth
is being exposed, tell some one you're building
an ark and they will laugh, here's the truth
some want to believe the stories true
no one knows if it actually happens to be true
here's why they laugh, the joke never gets old
I believe what I believe to be truth is true
I want to believe the lie embedded in belief isn't
the only thing I know to be true to me is
personal experience in which some times I
wonder if that was fabricated, I do not know
if there is a heaven or hell or ever was though I
would like to believe it's not so, I mean the thought
of going through all this hell on earth and not
getting credit for time served, the thing about
doing dirt is no matter how many baths you take
it still comes back on you, the idea of having to
stay in the world until you have paid every
penny for every stain you made on earth
the best answer is "I DON'T KNOW" because
it's the truest one, the older I get the less I know
"THIS IS WHAT I KNOW" There is no truth in
belief but the lie is always in plain sight.