JG Collins | Poetry Vibe
JG Collins
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just different

Views: 212


Misty visions.


of what


have been.

Foggy horizons,


that will

never be.


of people 

that might

have been,

that I’ll

never meet.

Place that

I’ll never see.


that never was!

Decisions made

paths traversed 

that never were.

In a quantum 

haze we live.

Potential vibrates 

all around.

Alternate worlds

never to be


In my dreams

I’ve seen a


All the people 

I never knew.

I wonder where

I’d be today

if I chose

to go a 

different way.

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LP45 says:

I've often asked myself that very same question JG. I'm sure many have. Very thought provoking. Thanks for sharing this.

JG Collins says:

Not a unique thought, just my take. Thank you kindly for reading my work

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Profound imaging visions, JG. Passing our way have been so many aborted realities of the visions we have seen. The imaged messge is so clear and thought provoking. All I can say is, we are no doubt where we're supposed to be in the desinated purpose chosen through divine wisdom and guidance . Thanks for sharing. Peace and Love, mlowe5

JG Collins says:

Thank you kind sir for reading my work

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