Intricately structured
Mosaically patterned and
Seamlessly woven together.
Our unique individual make ups are as
Beautiful as stained glass sections.
Pigmented hues differentiate
Complexions of serum filled vessels.
Spiritually bonded by love
We’re cohered with ancestral
Characteristics handed down
Through the ages making us
The individuals whom we are today.
Within our lifetime, pieces of us are
Given and taken from
Everywhere we go to
Everything we do and
Along with everyone we see,
An undeniable spiritual magnetism
To people, places and things.
Is this how it all began?
Is this how we’re all connected?
As we go through life
We attempt to balance the scales by
Picking up and replacing fallen pieces
Contemplating room for improvement
Even though imperfect pieces
Seem to fit perfectly within us and
Our confidence levels off at a
Cruising altitude of self acceptance.
Nonetheless no matter how it began
We can only imagine since
We’ll never know how it’ll end
But in the meantime and in between time
Appreciate and respect all pieces
Given and taken that are so
Intricately structured
Mosaically patterned and
Seamlessly woven together.
We’re all internally identical
Serum filled vessels
As beautiful as stained glass sections.