mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 360



In the midst of Easter Sunrise

Cynical notions still pose threats

To our dawning Hope

Of innate Village resurrection


Yet must we trek onward

For as sure as the blazing Sun rises

So must the dauntless spirit

Of the children of the Ebon Exodus

As we look out over the mountain top


The envisioned reality

Of the sable dream

Of a dawning blue meridian

Lurks in its cosmic orbit

Shadowed by the great eclipse

Of political deceit


Albeit the haze of the white meridian

Time’s Easter cannot be broken

And scattered like pieces of broken bad

Luck mirrors piercing weary feet and hands


Standing on today’s radiant mountain top

We’re in the light of a full Moon and rising Sun:

And the shining light to our promised path

Cannot be broken—for it’s of cosmic eternity


We the Children of the Village may be scattered—

But united we are—by the light around and within us:

Nothing can stop fulfillment of our Villages’ ecliptic risings



            (Peace and Love, mlowe5: 4/21/2019)

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Resurrection ...awaits, those willing to pay the price eternal... Waking the dead, are we... Rise, then... continue down the path (As Parliament-Funkadelic put it"Freedom from the need to be free")

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LP45 says:

What a powerfully written piece Mlowe5. Thank you for sharing this meaningful and timely write. Continue to rise my fellow poet!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Charls2, thanks for the read and for referenc comment. Most appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Ladypoet45, thanks for the read and encouraging feedback. As always, much appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5

Elvan says:

Nice work, I like the flow of this piece it calls upon the village to rise from it slumber even with the know struggles ahead. I like your delivery quite encouraging. mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks emcintyr1981. I appreciate you feedback and am always encouraged by the feedback as well as your work. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. Like the blazing rising Sun, nothing can stop our fulfillment. Peace and Love.

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