Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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funky dunk



Views: 301

every one has got ...a will

...a purpose... a choice 

a reason to be, a passion ...a voice... 

when things just don't add up... 

it's time to get tough the math... 

time to put up, or shut up... 

cause someone's got your back

Let's get it on...

time to play rough your value... 

it's how others see the worth what you do... 

making someone happy just the start 

when someone loves you, you've got their heart 

and when you've got love... 

then you show love 

got to feed love 

got to grow love 

but if that love 

can't grow no more 

time to pack your bags 

and close the store 

if you find out 

that the fault is yours 

make amends before you

burn all your bridges

close the doors

and if you think you're too good 

a junkie ...or a drunk... 

time to move on're


just being a punk...








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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes. As August Wilson reminds us in Joe Turner's Come and Gone, we all have our "song"..."a unique identity and purpose in life.." It ironic that many of us allow others to "pick" the "song" they think should be ours, instead of recognizing and accepting the "song" that the "shiny man" has endowed us with. Enjoyed this profound write. Thanks for sharing. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

...This ...was a fun write...

mrmelody7 says:

Aint it funky now lot of it reads of my fun so fun Street Life well done Sir Charles

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