Moser3333 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3300
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Views: 262
If you left do you think I'd care. Distance made my heart grow fonder. Looking in the mirror I'm not the same. Life tested me I win , I lost. Weighing the scale your heavy . I need to lose some weight. Lying and bribing me to advance. Still ground zero. I can't go on Leasing my time for free. In debt to none and owed by many. Spoken in silence. Butterfly effect has shaken our climate. Icy conversation with fire stares. Foot steps walk away never to return. Promises never kept Dreams are awaken in harsh reality. Once the person I hated I loves is now the person I have to turn my page on. No need to try we just need to proceed...

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Love... standing next to ...your fire. Nice work... Need More...

Elvan says:

Very interesting insight to understanding when it is time to cut your loses and proceed on. Nice work.

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