Unspoken Wisdom Speaks
At the heart of our survival, growth, and endurance is the Negro woman who needs to be nurtured, loved and challenged.
Being nurtured develops a sense of love of self, which then freely flows from her heart, spirit, and soul the benevolent love of being, the altruistic love of child, and the charitable love of all.
Being loved develops a sense of self-respect, affection, care, and compassion along with a desire for a deep understanding and appreciation for self, a child, and all.
Being challenged develops a sense of personal growth, self-preservation, protectiveness, strength, survival, and a deep admiration of life and what it has to offer to self, to a child, and to all.
With all these factors at work, it gives her the ability to guide and teach our young; along with the capability to endure the struggle while embracing hope faith and possibilities through growth, positive beliefs, right strategies, and right actions, which allows her offspring the ability to recognize the necessity for leveling up while building a life, a village community, a society, and a world fit for the growth and enjoyment of her all. She streams consciously and unconsciously a message which instills the importance of loving self, loving family, loving community and loving the universe.
Exclusively and Originally
Written by: Edward Van
April 28, 2019