kayel08x | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 210

You and I are living in a world without meaning.

So lets love and give love and do something different.

We have a chance to show emotions are still relevant.

lets give this world some significance .



They said from the start that two broken hearts can not form a congruent one.

But the value of two individual parts together can have an even greater sum.



Lets present what we envision. Lets show the world how much its really missing.


Lets peace together the puzzles of the heart.

Lets prove its about our journey and our end not just about one's start.



If only two can put faith back in love , it serves to prove there's love in multitude,

for we feel like one but there's more than just the two of us.



So I place my palm in yours and smile at life's glooms ,as we step into big rooms and overly tight corridors.

Hand in hand you showed me that the world is mine.

But life has taught me its also yours.

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love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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