Inkthatspeaks | Poetry Vibe
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Death's Kiss


just different

Views: 335

Awaken from a dream to another dream.

In a world where nothing is as it seem.

In a world where you feel alone.

Feel the heat from the ashes and brimstone.

Envy, hate, greed;

The bottom where demons feed.

The devil’s den;

Where evil starts and end.

Fantasies, lust, and temptation.

Swimming in the sea of desperation;

Losing grip on reality.

Trying to deal with the pain...

Trying not to go insane…

Surrounded by your fears...

Screaming for help But no one hears.

Pillow soak and wet with tears.

Broken and battered.

The voices in your head are the sounds of demon chatter.

Battling between wrong and right;

Hope no where in sight.

Trying to remain positive,

But it’s hard when you no longer want to live.

Contiplating suicide.

Staring at the person in the mirror

and it all becomes clearer.

Death is getting nearer.

Grim reaper is breathing down your neck.

Your soul, he’s ready to collect.

Down in the abyss.

One step away from death’s kiss.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

A powerful thought provoking pen Inkthatspeaks. The ink has spoken and has been heard. Know that kisses come and go; never remain. But the loving embrace of God holds onto you for eternity. Seek and you will find; ask and it will be given; knock and His door will be opened unto you forever. Remember, that reflection in the mirror is images her Creator who never has nor will ever make a mistake. Peace and Love, mlowe5

Inkthatspeaks says:

Thank you my fellow poet. Your words inspire!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Dreams are dreams. Visions of life are the reaities that God gives the created to live and endure. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

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