kayel08x | Poetry Vibe
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I Am


just different

Views: 244

I’m the ghost in the machine turned insomniac for a dream. I’m the spirit who exist lively. I’m the closed eyes of the soul with a vision. I am the morality of those who don’t believe in piety.

I am the unwritten song who will forever play in your head, I am the regret for which you wish you were dead.

I am the subject of philosophical debacles over centuries. I am the finite eternity.

I am the creator of concepts both beautiful and ugly. I am the child crying “I wished you loved me.”

I am responsible for moving mountains. I am also responsible for building worlds. I am guilty of mending hearts , as much as I am of tearing them apart.


I am the plant who can’t cease growing, I am the darkness that you can’t stop from glowing.


I am that which arrives bear with so much later on to hide.I am the feeling of being alive while dying inside.


I am the phrase who won’t end with punctuation


I am the thought who won’t stop thinking until I understand I exist.


I am worried only about some , yet I’m responsible for the many.


I am the stone unturned. The voice unheard; the cries on death ears.

I am the love that shows no fear.


I am an honest lier , a cheater who honors valor.

A scared and cold heart.

I am an intoxicated mind with a sober heart.


I am the new beginning at the end of your start.

I am the slave , I’m the free

I’m the strong , also the weak.

I am you. I am me.


I am MAN.

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thebookofspells says:

You are.

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