TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
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Every Mother's Heart



Views: 425

As a child, we've worried not about the sacrifices that our Mother's have made for us

Without any excuses, she just did it all in the name of Love

She unselfishly shielded us from hurt, from pain, and from harms way

Provided us with the proper support and care when in need

Nurished our souls with warm meals to eat

A place to lay our heads to peacefully dreams as we sleep

A Mother's Honest, Faithful, and True everyday

Lessons learned were ment to obey

And when got out of line, she quickly put us back into our proper place

To all Mothers here visible to the naked eye

To all Mothers that have passed on to the other side


We are Forever Indebted

We are Forever Indebted

Forever Indebted

For your Loves for real

Happy Mothers Day


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2b2b2 says:

Excellent Share....thank you!

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