Elvan | Poetry Vibe
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Negro Pride



Views: 390

Unspoken Wisdom Speaks

Where has American Negro pride gone? Not the arrogant, selfish, and opportunistic kind but the kind which taught our slightly and ill-educated community elders to understand the importance of focusing on improving the educational opportunities for our children because they understood the importance of obtaining a good education; I emphasize good because good in our community meant exceptional

Where has American Negro pride gone? Not the arrogant, selfish, and opportunistic kind but the kind which taught our slightly and ill-educated community elders the need to fight for equal education under the law while knowing they would not individually reap a personal benefit from their struggles with the quaint understanding our children were more than worth the effort

Where has American Negro pride gone? Not the arrogant, selfish, and opportunistic kind but the kind which taught our slightly and ill-educated community elders that to compete in this society, Negro children needed a better understanding of the world which is, only obtained with and through exceptional home training and a well planned, developed and administered formal education system

Where has American Negro pride gone? Not the arrogant, selfish, and opportunistic kind but the kind which taught our slightly and ill-educated community elders that there was a need to make a sacrifice so our children would not be left behind in the education arena which can cripple the mind, spirit, and soul if not suitably guided, taught and tempered to resist the ever-present lustrous yet devastating temptations and pitfalls placed in their pathway

Where has American Negro pride gone? On, no

(Mr. Henry Ware)

Exclusively and Originally

Written by, Edward Van

May 12, 2019


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love_supreme says:

This poem was exceptional. Loved it.

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Elvan says:

Thank you latin_Lover, I appreciate the compliment and hte feedback. Peace
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Roots ...spiritually...

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