MonQ444 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 6000
Hmmm......Something FISHY's going on.....Around here People....LOL...Seems like they didn't want me to respond to a comment on 1 of my pieces called "black leadership".........They hate poor Minister Farrakhan without a cause.....Free Speech Oppression is everywhere it seems

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The Reality


just different

Views: 250

Vultures to the right of me wolves on my LEFT, God stands above me ordering my EVERY STEP, it thunderstorms when Im DEPRESSED, the winds blow strong when Im STRESSED, all the lies betrayal NEGLECT, how could I EVER FORGET???!!!!!!, the days the nights I'VE WEPT, the hours where I BEGGED for DEATH, the times when it felt like I just had NOTHING LEFT, all I have is MYSELF,......... myself is ALL I HAVE, the old me is long DEAD a REMNANT of a DISTANT PAST, I tried GOD now I have no1 ELSE for HELP to ASK....


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mlowe5 says:

MonQ! God need not be tried...God is! and you are created in Is image. To have you is to be One with God...and then there is the Village of Us; and we are here to HELP! You have sought and you have found! Welcome to the Village. Peace and Love, mlowe5 on Behalf of Us all. Write on. We are listening!

Monq444 says:

I appreciate yo kind words......Much Love

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