<3 | Poetry Vibe
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I would tell you



Views: 309

If I could what would I say...

I know I would ask you to stay.

I would tell you, that you have my heart, and its been that way from the start.

I would tell you, your my first thought of the day, and my last at night.

I would tell you, that you have been the one I want no matter the fight.

I would tell you, your meesed up, far from perfect and you always worry me.

I would tell you, that no matter that, at the end of the day its your heart I still see.

I would tell you, that I wish you felt the same about me.

I would tell you, I know its always her you only see.

I would tell you, if you decide to leave this place, I would miss you if thats the case.

I would tell you, your stronger then you think you are, and you have a good soul by far.

I would tell you, that when you don't believe in yourself, I believe in you.

I would tell you, I don't care what you think, I choose to.

I would tell you, your an amazing person who has had some tough choices, despite all the nagging voices.

I would tell you, you made it this far and you will make it the rest of the way.

I would tell you, stay on course do not stray.

I would tell you, at the end of the path you will always find my smile, you will always find me and I will be here for awhile.

I would tell you, despite all that I have already said, this list could go on for a mile.

I would tell you, yes this could wait, but I don't want to run the risk of it being to late.

I would tell you...

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