MonQ444 | Poetry Vibe
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Hmmm......Something FISHY's going on.....Around here People....LOL...Seems like they didn't want me to respond to a comment on 1 of my pieces called "black leadership".........They hate poor Minister Farrakhan without a cause.....Free Speech Oppression is everywhere it seems

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Young & Trouble Shooting



Views: 233
The world is COLD, learned early in life never TRUST A SOUL, I GO, BLOW fa BLOW, TOE ta TOE, regardless the largeness of a FOE, We grew up POE,.......I meant POOR, Mama shopped at thift STORES, even FOR, our DROORS,.......I meant DRAWS, kids in school made fun of US ALL, until 1 day? I pushed 1 up against the WALL, chin checked 'um in HIS JAW, I wanted ta BRAWL, he wanted ta TALK, then ran scared ta get "teachers" INVOLVED, "hmmm so violence works afterall" is what I thought.......PROBLEM SOLVED😒 -Monq

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