A precocious newborn... Prion
Oozed out from a crack ...in the genetic code...
Maneuvered to connect in the preordained space
Taking its rightful place in the rapidly developing ladder
Of recombining chromosomes but, stepped off
Got tripped up by an errant intervention by dark matter
Left the spiral formulation in essence, got uninvited
Got excited somewhat at the prospect of being free
Changed into a stem cell magically
So that it could be
it wanted to be
Took a left at the right *lobe
headed straight ...for Zion
going against the flow of the star field
A malformed strand of RNA ...linked, in the worst way...
With an errant viral composite clump
Formulated of particles stripped of energy dust
Falling lifeless in proximity essentially, a clump of rust
Stealthfully ...evaded detection by guard cells
Which concluded this would be assailant as insignificant
Relatively unimportant as another dissimilar anomaly
Suddenly came upon the scene
surreptitiously intervened
As like intrusions, rained like an infestation
On a global scale
Infectious organisms, invading the body
As the mind sounded the alarm by fever
Instructing cells to self implode
Exciting others nearby to radiate in such a frenzy
The body temperature exploded, far and wide
Meanwhile, back in near space
A slight defect... Drifted by as
The nucleus of a distressed guard cell slept
Slipped virtually ...undetected
Did a somersault... For sheer joy,
For no other reason ...than it was annoyed...
Tired of aimlessly obeying genetic tomes, ducked
Between two mounting chromosomes
Stole the essential action of the attraction
Took flight
Crossed the gene pool
Cross connected, with a right handed tool
Had sex with two more left
Tried to sex a right, got rejected
Bad night felt neglected
Me and my lady
Got into a fight last night
Sorry got distracted