Why does love escape me?
In times past and present, I pull for you, I reach for you, but you never give way to me.
Why do you hide from me?
I search for you on straight roads and around corners just to find little doses of crevasses that only leads to dead ends with no way of freedom to your expressions.
Why do I crave you?
To taste you, to smell you, to feel you, to sense you? I'm ready for your jaults and juggles, hear my pleading cry to endure you with loyalty so pure. I pray to know you with every inch of my morallic being from the most high, I can never forsake you.
Why allow their poisons to deviate your isolations from me?
I see the illness in you, but with God I'm your divine cure, with praise to thee I'm a factor in your immunity.
Ready to pounce for you,
Ready to fight for you,
Ready to submit within you, for you, to you.
Why do you lie to me?
With such denial from your inner love screaming for relief of that injected disease. I'm not your enemy, I stand before you sacrificial to thee, I humbly kneel to my respect for you. Don't crumble me away, my love is divinely prepared for you.
I love thee........
Drop thy why and come to me...