Just_Me_Kelee | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 8400
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Ramblings of a slight maniac, heart of a hopeless romantic. Visions of a possible prophet, sometimes i feel that ive lost it

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The Immaculate Conception of a Most Greatful Soul



Views: 323

I ws concieved at the foot of the universe by the ters, prayers, drems and desires of a woman who was told she'd never bare children.

I was formed in my mothers belly from sheer faith and love...

She made offerings os obedience and good deeds as payments for the seed of me...

I was carried under the heart of a broken spirit whom sought the true love she never seemed to recieve untill meetisng my father.

I rested on the bladder of a woma who birthed her own best friends...

I suckled at the teet of a soul who rarely basked in the light she so often shined into the world...

I was guided up by a bring who looked at my mistakes and saw the likeness of her own face.

I was created by a kind spirit who allowed me to be however strane or different as i needed to be in any given moment...

I was loved by a little lady who understood and guided my anger ingto passion and determination,

I see her smile in my own eyes sometimes...

I wear her strength as armor ... one of many gifts she bestowed.

I have learned to drench myself in her softness for it is not a virtue that i recieved naturally, this she would sneak into my spirit throught secret lessons...

What if she willed me into fruition only to be the coin that begins ripples of light and love through time and space ???

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