HumbleMeeksEpiphany | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 4500
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Hello everyone, it has been a very very very very long time since I have been on here. I do have a page already with poetry that I've shared, but being that it was years ago I dont remember my log in so I'm startimg over. But I will retype my poems onto this page so that all of my poetry will be together. Picking back up on my journey, COME FLOW WITH ME! Love and Peace to all!

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Views: 379
DEPRESSION the most common form of imperfection, being trapped as humans, sulking in the existence of bitterness and self-pity, victimizing our own lives instead of taking control of the will of our own strength! ANGER some would classify as a form of strength that intimidates others into a form of weak submission as others would classify it as self weakened submission from the taunting of others. Insanity is what it causes, to conquer is what wills, defeat is what it carries from committing what cant be undone. HATE drawn from pre-meditation either from previous teachings or a chain of infliction directly opposed on thee. It threatens, it plots, it murders, it omits remorse. CRAZY what we try to prove to keep from being taken advantage of, to drill fear into the enemy, a personality taken on to keep from facing thee own demons. There is no medication to suppress, the only result is to face and address. SADNESS strong depth of emotion from loss, from tragedy, from love. Not an easy emotion to inject, but a hard one to let go of resentment and regret. The DEPRESSED may judge the angry, the ANGRY may resent the hate, the HATE may cause the crazy to react without thought, and the CRAZY may cause SADNESS to the innocent. All may be different in cause but have in common the chain of effect which causes negativity in health and outcome of human nature. TAKE CONTROL AND SUPPRESS LOVE AND PEACE IS NEXT!

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mrmelody7 says:

Top notch Poet your creative works are always enjoyable and your user name says it all talented Lady

HumbleMeeksEpiphany says:

Aaaaawwww Thank you so much, I humbly and truly appreciate you for sure! Stay Blessed🙏🏼🤗

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