Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Ephemeral... bliss...



Views: 331

Here I sit … from higher

than the stars... 

Dimensions beyond,

lost prayer... 

with the angels...

in flight...

over the clouds and mountain tops

Floating over the shadows


 â€¦as if, without a care...


But, whats this...  

suddenly, i sense danger...

My spirits …on fire… like the earth below

I can sense an outpouring of urgent prayers,

…for hope and peace

Feet dangling

Over the edge of the abyss


Watching the world below…

 Exploding into chaos and war

…once more evil comes to take hold…

Like a cold blooded snake

…with one goal…

To, once again …take control…  


Disturbing …my bliss…

Thoughts …like clouds, gently adrift…

Exploding into angry skies…


Looking for clarity…

Can’t see through the mists

…it’s a gathering storm…

…can’t escape the ill winds calling

Keep thinking, something’s amiss


The demon dragons seek blood once more

…look out below…


The worlds not forsaken,

As the young prince  


Is protected by love…

Hears the cries …of the frightened

The relative indifference …of the enlightened…

We are all… in grave danger,

In these precious hours…

We must challenge the evil demons 


The ones who …threaten… all… our futures…

Much like …unwanted suitors…

Those who call…

From the dimensions below

…and it’s hungry for …more innocent souls

All this, endless confusion…

I observe …from the rafters…

Time to launch from my post…

Before all I love …is lost

Between the here …and the hereafter…

And the spirits, here… among us…

Sound the alarm…

Defend the castle …in our hearts…

Protect our most precious… treasures…

Avoid the evil ones traps…

Enjoy what you have together

Abandon the forbidden pleasures

To win this battle …of the ages

…we must unite…  

Attack the vipers nest... 




Free your heart …from the hatred…

Even, in the vapors …of revenge…


Be careful, who you trust...

Protect the innocent,

...we must... 

To avert this disaster


…we must take arms…


Be forewarned…

This is not a race war


A conflict of principles

And …principalities

And so, none of what matters

Is left out of this


Take time …with those

That you love most... 


We, who ..are blessed…

Remember …those…

Who have come before us

Making the sacrifice

To give us ..the spirit…

Of what’s best


Evil knows …its master…

Take arms …children of love…

The battle of the ages…

Once again, rages on…





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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Charles2...thanks for this epic poetic wake up call. Indeed, time is of the essence; and is emphatically expressed in the last 4 lines of this oowerful write. Write on Brother! Write on! Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, mlowe5... No doubt... evil ones rise again, we must awaken... and join hands. united, we stand...

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LP45 says:

Great write Charles2! This one of the best call to arms I've read in a long time. Thank you for sharing this well needed message!
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

thank you, Ladypoet45...

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RonnieL says:

Zoomed in and enlightening scribe! Inspirational no doubt! Xcellent scribe!

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Thank you, RonnieL...i think that i overdid this one a bit

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