Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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I got a friend who has a chimney, one day a bird flew in and dropped dead, he cleared it out, the next day, another bird came and he repeated the same, finally after seven days of the same parade going down this vertical brick road, he had enough and said what's going on, he finally saw the screen on his chimney was broken, so the birds had access to the hole because of a ripped off screen, which reminded me as humans that we sometimes rip off our authenticity for complicity, and with no protective covering we let everything in us that is not of us, it may start off with lust, then it transforms to cheating on your spouse, to drinking and smoking, to then lying, then we are stuck crying asking God what has become of me, but in the bible it says that when one spirit leaves it goes and tells seven more, see they told us as kids that seven was our lucky number, but we never wondered on the phrase that your luck will eventually run out, and when he leaves, he does so in a deadsprint, much like the phone company cause you never get service when you need it, and now you hear the filth come out of your mouth, your mistakes are someone else’s blame, so you start cleaning out their closet, see it’s easy to pull out someone else’s skeletons from their closet when your skinless bones are hiding behind oldgarments and sweaters that are now two sizes too small, and that’s why I starve myself sometimes, so you can see my bones, you may think I’m malnourished, but I’m just tryna show you too, that I am human, that I have open wounds that I did not let heal, so now I have holes everywhere, maybe that’s why my heart is still f**ked up to this day cause the bullet my mama shot through it is still there, maybe that's why the holes our ladies possess stay infected, because the spirits they let in contain viruses, and seeds come out without waters that only a father can provide, maybe if we filled the holes in our children’s heads with wisdom, education, books and not IG fables, their brains would become stable cause 60% of America’s black children can’t read at grade level, so how the hell can you expect to ascend to another level when your steady comfort is sitting on the runway at ground level, takeoff...much like those birds, cause those birds are a reminder to me from God that I am speaking this over somebody's life right now, you gotta whole sky to fly, you got tree branches to rest, you can dive bomb and catch your next meal, take it back to your chicks, feed them what you didn’t receive, but do not let the holes of your past f**k up their present, eagles don't fly with pigeons and neither do canaries sing with hummingbirds, but they all expand their wings, so if you ask my why the caged bird sings, it's simple, it was trapped in a place with numerous holes that weren’t filled, yet still it couldn’t escape, so take your screen and cover up your chimney, because whats falls down that hole next time, may not be so easy to clean out

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