HumbleMeeksEpiphany | Poetry Vibe
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Hello everyone, it has been a very very very very long time since I have been on here. I do have a page already with poetry that I've shared, but being that it was years ago I dont remember my log in so I'm startimg over. But I will retype my poems onto this page so that all of my poetry will be together. Picking back up on my journey, COME FLOW WITH ME! Love and Peace to all!

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just different

Views: 536
This is where I'm at, Where I live, Where I breathe. An acquired taste of faith I hunger for as chaos surrounds me but peace is what I decree to battle in Loyalty for. I drifted for a while like a scavenger until the darkness of pain and stripping away ambrayed into something humble and natural in color and nature. To love God first is to love self and others without condition or bribery, This is peace within me. To love, to be humble, to be loyal, to submit to my king blessed by God to me They saw my tears as a weakness as I bled for a love past, but strength gave way to me with the ability to divert my energy into the happiness of a poetic hobby instilled circumstantially. In peace and humility I submit to thee.

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