Fake butter
Fake cheese
Fake a$$€$
Fake degrees
When did our desire for reality become fiction?
Our truths a depiction
Jesus is a con but Marvel comics we praise
In lieu of church we binge watch Game of thrones for days
And hang onto every word of a conman
Charlatan bigot misogynist with an obvious spray tan
Put value into things but not people
Spend hundreds of thousands on a mortgage then hundreds more at Home Depot
While there are billions still suffering I won’t get specific
But when history looks back at babies dying at the US border we’ll all be complicit
More focused on our next latte or gadget
Addicted to mobile technology like magic
Under the spells of Facebook, Amazon, and Google
Sharing our deepest desires and secrets with our willing approval
Searching for products, acceptance, and porn to feed our desire
True to God’s promise though most don’t know we’re all on fire
Frogs in a pot of water that’s incrementally boiling
Long days and hours constantly toiling