Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25000
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Vinyl Record



Views: 263
To me her love was more than just "love"
To me 
the way she loved was a record.
A sensuous pin in the groove.
when she'd speak 
she'd spin around and around.
To me 
that was all that mattered.
I danced in her rhythm.
Finding it impossible to deny 
what was evident.
In a mere matter of moments 
I was enticed.
Tracing the lines of her hands,
I being the pin lost in her melatonin.
Whether in public for all to see.
Or in the intimate moments
between her & I.
I sung her love as my favorite song.
A song forever engraved 
as I longed to be the pin
that traced her groove.
A record that always stays with you
No matter how much time has passed

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RobinJPFTS says:

Beautiful Ink!!

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