hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Shake It & Bake It ( A Salute To Hampton Beach) pt. I



Views: 187


a smart cap of sophistication

we jerk are emancipation

finger through the garbage...

minus the minus the threat of pollution

copy each sand of a miracle

a place where Hampton Beach is king

Shake it or bake it so hard to fake it;

light up it's  scream

filter through its scene


pillows marshed with a pillow

ther smell of fried doe

their boardwalk elf

dodge the waves

it's plain to see


picking close to its dergree,

smilers on ther shell

open body to tell

Kevin's store...


a sip or two through a tail

tell you which way to go


walk miles and miles on their pier


brutal front...

cascading water slider

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