WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 172900
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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just different

Views: 236

It might be difficult to face this

But even Ghandi was racist (South Africa - Google it)

Don’t need much time to show you the cases

Most men and women are sexist

How do you explain the last election?

The most prescribed drugs just give you an erection

For sports the WNBA is never your first selection

But now you’re second guessing

Politicians want to ban abortions and condoms again women are stressing

When/where should we be placing the blame

Expect the oppressor to be a confessor but can’t acknowledge our shame

The biggest benefactor of affirmative action is white chicks

But the NAACP is too busy banning the ‘N word’ and demanding equality in Hollywood flicks 

Embarrassed by most stereotypes but okay with rhythm and large d.....

Black folks silent when whites call Hispanics spics

Hispanics turn blind eyes when police beat brothas and sistas with sticks

Divide and conquer black and brown 

Separate groups on the other side of town

Drugs, jail, no bail, no hope, its hell

When school, church, family, media, all fail

You have no justice, just us

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Good points...

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