WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Views: 204

Tempt me once like a trigger I might just pull you

Nag me twice shame on me

Ask, sass, and harass gave you chances three?

I’ve been waiting on somebody like you

With what I’m about to do, the word cruel

Is too generic an adjective 

More like a sick mix of a beans, milk, and a laxative 

I guano bat a thousand at everything you pitch

Then surround you like a cloud and watch you squirm and itch

I’m a nightmare who you wish you’d never met

Moths fly to flames, but mosquitoes just want your blood and sweat


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LP45 says:

How true this is! Great write nosajm. Thanks for sharing.

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