WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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To spank or not to spank?



Views: 196

Had to discipline my child twice today 

Pissed me off, it’s so difficult to keep my calm at bay 

She has no issues at camp, church, and school

But hardly listens to me and her mom at home - must think we BooBoo the fool!

She’s barely nine so that reference is oft misunderstood 

Wish I could travel back in time and show her my old neighborhood 

True I probably had it much easier than both my mom and dad

But she wants for not and her ‘worst’ ain’t even really all that bad

With her own room, homework via Chromebook and an iPod full of apps 

My brothers and I shared a bed and once spent a week collecting bottle caps!

I suppose progress/privilege is a double edge sword 

Less timeouts and screen time and more belts and extension cords?

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

I remember 72 years ago when I was 5, being told, "It's best I spank your little black a** until it roke like orka, before I let them white folks beat you to death! " I passed the same on to my kids and grand-kids. Thanks for sharing this write. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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