LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 206000
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Flower Children


Views: 359

When nourished with
Love and knowledge
Their petals sprout with
Vibrancy and resilience.
When reared in
Dignity and respect
Their roots strengthen,
Solidifying their foundation
As they reach down
Into the riches of the motherland,
And set examples while
Achieving goals.
When taught to withstand
And maintain through adversity
No matter what it brings
Their stems will boast the
Richest hues of green,
Becoming as strong as oaks
Yet as flexible as palm trees,
Allowing nothing to keep
Them from preparing the soil
For the next generation
Of flower children to
Flourish in the sun
And dance in the rain.
Allowing them to grow as free
As wildflowers on the plains.
Where the weeds of society
Won’t hold them back
And the rocks along their journey
Will be stepping stones
Instead of obstacles.
We must do all within our power
To cultivate and maintain
Our youth in the correct manner
Until they’re able to
Do it themselves.
It takes more than a village
To raise a child.
It takes dedication, prayer
Love and care.
Because the everlasting nature of
Society’s negative influences
Will forever do its best
To wilt and destroy our
Flower children.

Regardless of our past,
Our presence is the key
To ensuring their future.


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RonnieL says:

Truthful and factual thought indeed. Warm and inspirational write.

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Charles2 says:

This is growing on me... the more i read it the more i can identify with ...the parallels

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mlowe5 says:

Beautiful Ladypoet45. The rhythmic flow, wordplay, and imaging, eloquently enhanced the message. Another example of your creative poetic messaging. Thanks for sharing this shared perspective. Peace and Love, mlowe5 N.B. Looking forward to you book release. Blessings!

LP45 says:

Thank you all Gentlemen! and thank you for reading!

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Coalhouse says:


LP45 says:

Thank you for your support Coalhouse. It’s much appreciated.
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Coalhouse says:

hey LP i am in Philly call me 267 213 3671

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