Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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0 ...I... (Naught, I...)



Views: 264

In crescendo

You repeat the dreaded words

Attached to you and I

Spoken dynamite

Set fire to my darkest fears

Release the tears

As the love notes playing in my mind

Scream in pain and fly

Tears fly like rain…

Shallow, rapid breaths

Accentuate my stress

Penetrate the consciousness

Reverberations ripple across the space between 

My unspent passions …and the dreams

Torn from the current like a hooked fish

Removed from the comfort and the calming sense

Of the way it was …and now

The shock explodes my momentary solace

My fantasy island still aflame

Swiftly disappears beneath the seas 

Waves which echo in refrain

As if to complete the cause+effect

Drops like a stone from greater heights

Than I’d ever hoped to view …this way

The fear of falling far greater than the height

No need to fight the battle was lost before it started

In essence a broken tool with no purpose to fix

A side effect …with a chilling aftermath

The icy blast it carried brought the drain 

Crashing through the corridors of my brain

Numbed with a natural Novocain 

Chokes out the hope …now, how to cope

With the residue of what I knew

Still active in my thoughts

Though now addressed in flames

My command center of mind

Makes an opening move

Sidesteps the mess I walked into

Reattaches my head to toe control

Inserts a test pattern to renew the essence

Researches the cure withdraws a blessing

From the spiritual depository in my name

Of who I am …what you, now, are to me

Knocks the ball over the fence

And brings me back home

To the realization

…whatever the purpose

We were together has run its course

You made the choice now in play

No matter what I said, or  did

Or what tone of voice, I used

Outside of the box was open

The inner side was locked

It no longer was left to me

The tables had turned

My bridge was burned

My bid was trumped

My hands were tied

I had been dumped

No longer could I expect

The arrival of your cavalry

To save the hides of the soldiers

Upon which I had relied to carry me

Into the enchanted forest of your dreams

Your chain of command had deliberated the verdict

All appeals had run their course and been denied

My last meal …although, as good as any I’d remembered

I could no longer enjoy …because what it represented

Your judgment came without fanfare and attitude

You had simply explained

As you had many times before

Then, issued the decree

The penalty was death of us

The words flowed past

And lost me

In the dust…

Of memories

What it had cost

For me to lose

My place with you

And so…even

In your memory

Your place with me

Has been erased

Even the stars

Have been displaced

Our next …plan

Became our last…

The bell tolled

A telling end  

To our relationship

Too late, for hope

You pulled the trigger

Right between the eyes


I fall …in clouds of smoke

Funny, how …it’s all clear now…

Too late …to realize

As my heart comes to a stop

I look at you …




The wrecking ball has spoken

The fresh wounds hole

Is still smoking…

You close my wide open eyes

Either out of pity

Or the question on your lips

Why I should look surprised

After all was said …and done

We were never

Meant to






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RonnieL says:

Wow Wow Wow!!! No words fellow poet. The depth and emotion of this piece...unquestioned. Xcellent !

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Charles2 says:

Thank you, RonnieL... once a blue moon... when the planets align ...anything is possible ...with the right inspiration
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mlowe5 says:

Powerful introspection Charles2. Indeed, a tolled bell can not be untolled...leaving behind its echoed message. Thanks for sharing this profound write. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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