Street Cries | Poetry Vibe
Street Cries
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Samantha pt 1



Views: 251



By Street Cries

Dear S.C l love your poetry feel like you speaking to most of me 

Late night l feel you hold me mostly that's how it supposed to be 

Watchin Netflix you close to me cozy under covers like baby mother

When you need space l wouldn't smother cause l want you as my lover

Like none other see l know the names of all your brothers

Tell Vex I said PEACE l know that how you end you poetry

With me you never feel lonely unlike the groupies who only want you horny

See these other dudes bore me like Mariah and dude from Sony 

S.C your not phony when we get together and l die hope you clone me

Lol JK not really l was on your Facebook look like you from Mississippi

Now you live in Salt Lake City how come l want to know the mystery

Well it dont matter the history as long as when we meet you into me

I battle my fears to fearlessly your podcast l checked out fast as soon as you post it

Your voice is sounds of the ocean got my emotions roller coasting

I love the way you go H.A.M

Truly yours this is SAM

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