Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 182400
contest winner 4
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  double ruby
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Views: 271


More innocents …slaughtered…

For whatever, cause …or point of view

 You do, or do not believe …what it is to you…

A violent upheaval …is taking place, before you

Ignore this… at your own risk…

Like a poisonous snake

Hatred, once again…

Has raised …its ugly head

Striking fear among those

…most vulnerable,

To the terrorist …of any flavor…

Come the day …you must face, your maker

God, the father …of us all…

Will you feign innocence?

Surrender to the flag …of ignorance…

Offer yourself in sacrifice, to the ideal…

Since the reality, escapes …you…

Under the guise …of a distorted sense of unity

To just your targeted community…

In effort to achieve …hat you believe, in…

…to maintain racial purity





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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

They have taken off the sheet hoods but the killings goes on. Thanks for sharing such a true message. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

They have taken off the sheet hoods but the killings goes on. Thanks for sharing such a true message. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

creatures of the deep... hunt for sustenance. these, for spite ...or territory

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