Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Views: 264



A foghorns …plaintive wail

Issues a warning

…in the air… 




Rocks …and shoals,


It’s droning song

…from afar…

Sounds which defy

the ominous shroud

…break the silence

Providing guidance…

day or night…

Sailors …delight…

no cause to fight…



Look ahead… 


If our history...

brings us to truth 

…provides guidance…

Our seeking sustenance

Beyond …subsistence…

Triggers our insistence

on territorial displays

Threats …and violence

Advancement …beyond

The killing fields of old…

To weapons technology

Whose ferocity

…has been amplified…

By tremendous

leaps of imagination

…of science,

harnessed …to deliver…

Lethality …to hereto

Unimaginable …dimensions…  


With a long

energetic tone

Electronic signals

…are …on purpose





An ancient evil…

rears its ugly head…

Spine tingling horror…

ensues, in its wake…

Where its minions


As if a living being

…actively conspires…

Insidious …demands of loyalty…

Vile creatures squirm, slither …or fly

From the thrall… spreading hate…

Utilizing …a governing body

Thick …with thieves…

A religious authority

…more, in league with Satan…

Than …with a state of being

Aligned …with Christ

Unopposed to bringing…

Every manner of device*

…inducing suffering…

Thus, said…

 The plague

reaching critical mass…

Spreads the triggering


Much like

…hells bells…


Those inclined

…to dine on living flesh…

Enemies of the divine

…All Father…

Using the poison quill…

Woven into the garments

Of the emperors

new clothes

A blast radius

…of death and destruction…

Greets the revelers

…as a sign…

Its time has come…

to deliver the world…

…to him

who awakens

the beast... 

Whose armies

of the damned …

Tattoos proclaiming

…allegiance to Satan…

With the masks of hell

…on their shields

…with the mark of death

on their shoulders…

And the songs of damnation 

Issued …from their mouths…



Where …are…

the chosen ones ?

Those, who will

…dispel the fog…

Lift the weary... 

with the light

of truth... 

And the sound mind 

…of realization... 

 â€¦lead with

…an essential key…

To unlock the dream

…bring forth

The realization

…we must seek…

To find our way

…past the locked gate

Back… into the garden…

God’s children,

in the now… 


Willing to

release the tears,

…shed their fears,

Open their hearts

…and minds…

Open their eyes,

willing to find…

The light…

To find …our way, inside

The journey of all mankind…

Is waiting… us to climb…

Beyond this realm

…of space and time…


To walk through hell…

Shielded …only with…

With the power of love…

Bringing truth… to bear…

Releasing the demons

…in their brothers and sisters

Delivering …the fruits…  

Of …its salvation…

Showering the earth

With its true power…




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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Powerful imaging words of truth blasting away at the "...ancient evil..." seeking to repeat his...story. May unfogged eyes hear this well penned message. Write n Charles2! Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

mlowe5, thank you... the drums... horns ...and conch shells... have never ceased sounding alarm...

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