jaysims | Poetry Vibe
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i'm a poet, o i have to let it out. it'll pour out of my eyes if they cover my mouth.

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Views: 206

Walking at night after work i noticed the moon staring at me, so i began to stare back. I couldnt help but to wonder if you were doing the samething, so we could have a mysterious connection from where ever you lay your head at. Im pretty sure my crush goes unnoticed becouse i lack the moment to introduce myself in a proper way. At least in a way that would arouse your attention, I promise my intention is heavily pure and i wish i could prove it some day. Im a grown man but in your circle i feel like that high school boy. Who wrote poetry to discuss his feelings becouse it was it was easier esxpressed on paper. Hoping that burning sensation inside would take a life of its own and become word vapor. So the whole world would notice my existence without having to speak. But everytime our eyes cease to meet, our future that i had envisioned in my mind remains bleak.


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