Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Mental Tectonics Shifted



Views: 193
I spit wittily word wizardry Creating story like imagery Aliens, gods, and angels depicted quite vividly Creating, fighting, or 'destroying' In their conceived realistic activity For towards high levels of creativity I have a natural affinity Some take on the personage of demons While others created are men of great chivalry Revealing their hearts of love and grand civility Many times I have an epiphany Of the type of descriptive imagery I can utilize To create characters of divinity Armageddon verbiage Used abysmally dismally To speak of anger and wrath From perspectives Written down fluidly Forecasting future anomalies And the potentiality of symptomatic sympathy Vindictively angered felicity of creatures From intergalactic infantries I commune with the heavens Including the stars and the moon This is my chosen path My own created life ministry To make people think 'outside the box' differently Create enough entertaining knowledge to have them think much more deeply I at times do it directly While other times its done so discreetly And I try to make it entertaining mentally visually Willfully and willingly To adapt to my own minds mechanics beautifully dutifully Poetry flows through me Flows frequently with high frequency Allowing me To reveal parts of me Hidden or caged up Lurking in my minds caverns Covered in shadows Never allowed to speak up decently But only until a few years ago Which to me is quite recently I changed my mind set And became confidently bold speaking vehemently Adamant tone in my dome As I became an alien poetic orator secretly My soul is divinely androgynous No longer do I speak to the world anonymous Never shall my poetic rhythms ever sound monotonous Psychological electromagnetic synthesis Are a part of my steps taken in my soul to offer a slight syllabus! I spit quick wit with neurologically inclined never problematic grammatic wizardry And it’s an unnatural tragical tragedy When I see stupidity willingly marry a poetic hilarity Mainstream ‘poetry’ lowers your brains frequency to the point of disparity My only wish, is that the populace would see it with such clarity But they prefer to see reality tv and give their souls away to ignorant charity The tectonics found in my mind have been shifting for quite some time They allow me the ability to transmit my ideas into a rhyme Many mountains I still continue to climb But I’ve only elevated and been levitated by Desire & Creativity Since the day of my human vessel nativity And although I started off placidly, my momentum grew so rapidly And I became a strange poet with a high level Phi-Logical mentality Pushed away into my fortress of solitude to rid myself of societal relativity I grew up and aged, to become quite awkward socially But in my times of isolation I’ve learned to balance my intellect, emotionally Turbulent tribulations and trials tried to torture my soul But I utilized those times to build and develop the man That only a few have chosen to get to know And although hated, berated or not cared for by many My love is still magnanimously plenty Became a completely different man from twenty Yet at thirty five years I no longer shed tears I dropped the burden of insecurities and fears Cut them at the root with quantum bio-luminescent sheers Now a man walking and talking amongst my peers I live to share my various truths and creativity To any and all willing to read or hear Haters, can stay at the rear or on the side lines willing to sneer But I bow to no one or anything For it was by DESTROYING childhood mental voices and making my own choices My intellect, and spiritually developed propulsion That which has gotten me to this far point…. Right Here! Eric Musse © copyright 2012

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