Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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investment the game



Views: 236


Used …and abused.

Just, one more time (time…time…time)

 One last …kiss, goodbye…


Was not the test

…just a byproduct …of the arrangement…

A side+effect …of the connection…

A demand …not a suggestion…

There were no whispers  …from your friends

Way back when… it first began…

The dying echoes …of the first killing…

Have since, never died away…

Without being refreshed… to reinforce…

The deal …with the devil…


Made  all this ….fashionable…

Lazy? Dumb? Rapists …and Murderers, too…

And deranged Criminals… to boot

 …just the subliminal suggestion

This …used to justify …the severity

Of the corrections necessary …to continue…

The charades …they’re just sub humans

We’re doing them a favor …taking care of them…

But, whatever you do …don’t you ever…

NEVER  …in your life, ever…

Let them read…

Or have access to …a history…

Rich and full of magnificent stories,

Of ancient civilizations…

…while the registers, racked up

Cotton, sugar, rice… bagged

You bragged …profits are over the top…

This is days in paradise… that well never stop…

Stamina …not the question…

Ability …proven,

 Without a doubt… our relationship,

Has for so long been skewed

Have you forgotten… I’ve been used…  to

The things you wouldn’t do…

Because you don’t have to…

Cleaning up the mess you’ve already made

You’ve said, is not your job

You are not responsible for…


You didn’t do… the crime…

But the unwilling workforce …is milling…

You’ve already got your share …of the killing…

Profits… through the roof …still…  

Unpaid… and you’re getting enraged

Cause the honeymoon …is barely over…

…and you want more of the same…


…In the game…




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