Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Conversation with Ourselves



Views: 204
Tapped into mentally impractical highly theatrical tapestries Of zapped majesties Living by silver thread count Magically yet frantically I reach out one last time To be shunned and ignored Evidently Guess its elementary This time was coming eminently No longer imminent Arrival of emotional survival One of our selves has committed fratricidal And feels heavy guilt And is now suicidal He used to be my rival But now that he committed murder He too shall be gone along As I absorb ALL his good And dissipate his bad & wrong This is our delusional song Sing along with his heavenly throng She hurt him by letting go So I understand his pain I sympathize with his hurt For he went berserk And committed murder He killed his emotional self Placed his heart in an iron chest And placed it onto a dusty shelf What shall we do, we ask? For we question and ponder Deeply pensive as we are contemplating postulating possibilities of Perpetuating programmed propaganda Mental labyrinth causing neuro-biophysio…. Logical Disaster that I've mastered A neophyte In this kind of fight What is your plight? If not my own The speed of pain is moving that much faster! What shall we do? Become a recluse So as to NOT be found crude No permission to be rude Our soul was bare... nude And so it shall begin The beginning of our eternity In solitude! Eric Musse © copyright 2012

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