1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Don't judge her, So many think they want to be me, I just want God to free me, because none of them really sees me, or they would believe in a enemy, and when you look at me what do you really see, do you see a stranger, I feel so much anger, it was caused by a decision gone bad. I thought it was a thing I needed to have, now I just feel sad. because it's all gone really bad, I tried to maneuver around it but nothing was clear in my mine then, she wasn't looking at me, she was searching for a friend then, she heard my heart hit the ground but she never even turned around, I was shouting real loud, I am here, but she lost me in the crowd, looking for the face in the mirror, the painted on smile of a girl who learned to fake it when she was but a child, I didn't dare wake her dreaming, it was the only time she seen me, behind some rose stained glasses, but she still walked passed me and a man in a heap lay dead on the street, the pile as my pain as he died in his shame, no one wants to know them. A toe tag is all that will own them, they fell in the battle, no illusions, no castle. just dripping and whaling, as we pray in our telling of choices gone wrong and promises dying, she still doesn't know me, the door open for me, my escape in the morning was the hope that tore me, would her children eat, or run in defeat, how can't you not know her, you coddled and clothed her, she called in tears when you dumped your fears here, you lay scared here, you spent some years here, but the eyes have changed with the price of fame, it happened when everyone forgot your name, you pick up the pieces begging God please release us, not contemplating the reason they gate us, communities jaded by demented minds, where they use the bars of sadness to do us harm, all because you can't see me, but you really want to be me, but without the struggle or pain but you still want the gain, you want the ride and castle the king and no hassle, you want to fore go the welfare line but no work, or food, you only think you'd be fine, you are not fine, you are not okay, see me a pile on the street, the crack head, or babies momma screaming can the children eat, don't walk pass me again, once a friend, luncheons , then the dope, drinking to cope, can you see me now, no new car or house in the sky, please tell me where was your pride, no hoe you died when you denied me, I can't believe you tried me, you shut your eyes when I walked by, a hasty decisions caused a head on collision, collateral damage, my heart hit the floor, no love at my door, just disgust at my selection, but when looking in the mirror girl it's your reflection, do you see me now, it's you,

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Charles2 says:

Remarkably intense content... great message stream, condensed ...ideas...

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1ldvirtue says:

Thank you

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