1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Breaking down


Views: 142
Breaking through Barriers, knocking down walls, educating minds, with grace standing tall, Creating vision, intriguing minds, evoking creativity, allowing others to witness your shine, one brick at a time, the barriers gone, you without effort are removing the stones, walking in spite of expectation, correcting what’s wrong, being part of the mortar that makes one unit strong. Each brick a spirit silently sits, apart incomplete till each see its fit, the clay that holds one gives strength to the whole, that in your endeavors seems to be your main goal, In a role where no two are the same, you create an the illusion that is beautifully maintained, because of the hole that appears in the wall, that is the vision created that represents us all, responsibility to many by being true to oneself and giving in your movement an example truly felt, felt by every eye that will ever witness your style, your commitment to teaching, and for some it is simply your smile, your breaking down barriers, it’s just what you do. One brick at a time till the beauty shines through… You are the Mortar that binds the bricks as one, Each Administer special because it takes more than One ingredient to get the job done. Dedicated to: Correctional Case Record Administrators 2014

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Deep... truths... yet to be explored... that said. welcome... may the fruit you deliver... be divine...

1ldvirtue says:

Thank you

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