Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Our Gehenna



Views: 191
As I NOW reside in my intellectual prison type dungeon The thick air is dark with an aromatic pungence Many chambers barricaded with a fearful overwhelming sense of urgency While fear is growing in abundance I entered here ONLY due to an emotional emergency But NOW I desire to leave with great fervency The fear is gripping me tightly And it's choking and hurting me I came here So as to NOT succumb To becoming emotionally fragile and socially dumb I prefer to be totally numb But I am now 'Stuck in Place' As much as I run We are scared We were NOT readily prepared To endure each others company within And to have 'time & space' Simultaneously shared Now we cry in despair Nails became brittle We are losing our hair And for each other We are too afraid to care We have for thirty six years Been conjoined yet separated without any reluctancy And yet so haphazardly Clumsily Clumsy me Clumsy thee Clumsy we We are now forced to Part take of each others company We entered Eternity for Solitude Now we are stuck with each other All of us Despising one another Living memories are shrewd Revealing themselves Burning up our souls subparticle tissue And musculoskeletal sinew Oh what to do?! Should 'I' suddenly but subtly Take over my minds puppetry? Would 'One of Us' taking the reigns of our brains Help us unify and maybe luckily We can breathe better conjunctionally? Maybe speaking to ourselves Will be viewed upon dysfunctionally We may decide to have ourselves prescribe And to be free of each other We may have to work together cooperatively productively And visions of great precision Tempt me so seductively To promote myself as leader Beat down the beater I may be forced to cheat the cheater Manipulate my souls ethereal language For the part of 'me' That is a body language reader Is it more than plausible Maybe possible? Tangible reality destroying deductive reasoning Lies to ourselves, help us With flavorful seasoning Continuously dreaming Eyes gleaming Smiles beaming Snickering cheers Bickering jeers Flickering tears Hindering spears If I die, so will they At least to my selves, that’s what we say We don’t even 'hope' any longer No more desire to cope And fight to be stronger Who really cares what we do? If it helps us remain sturdy ruggedly? Sktzo is ravagingly ***ing me Demons are sucking me While angels come to my bedroom of solace To be tucking me I know what I think But I think I know what we MUST do We can no longer love or lust you We must forcibly distrust you Pour 'waters' from aged 'pipes' over you So they can rust you. I confess my mind is a mess Filled with torment & distress Vexed and constantly perplexed But to you - My pain is your jest I've already felt overly stressed I was too easily misguided and I admittedly Slipped on Trojan Trust And I feel I'm about to bust Burned heart turns to a scabbed crust I MUST kill all of us too Illumination Your arrogant elevation Has brought trepidation and social deprivation So your destruction Is a MUST And I must do it NOW Before the devil takes Another rectal thrust And tear me sore Like a bore of a whore Shape shifting my spirits contours Oh how hatred 'seeks out' The very pain it claims it abhors but secretly adores So I deplore - You all Get ready to fall For we NOW enter our exit Eric Musse © copyright 2012

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