1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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The Package


Views: 177

When we look at ourselves there is so much we don’t see,

one must look past the surface to reveal what will be,

to consider the true scope of our reach, and to embrace the lessons we learn for these are the skill we will teach,

short cuts for those that admire our style and want to be like us, if for but a while.

Wants to play dress up, and venture our way, we prepare them to conquer when we teach them pray.

We look at the package not concerned with content but it is what is in us that is ultimately what we present,

We a gift wrapped in the entire of girl, developing the future as we wildly paint the world,

Taking out darkness into places that few dare to go, but on bended knees we fall as we watch as the blessing just flow,

we operate on the not knowing as God keeps us moving, the stretch is our grow, because we don’t come to evoke change it is part of our tow,

the tow is the pull that beckons the smile, that directs the women to walk the mile, to stand her ground, to hold her own, to be the person that is beyond the definition of what one deems strong,

 The package, the gift, the prize so speak the present the moment you embrace your belief, the knowing and not but trying anyway, the faith in the moment when hugging was safe, the call to the cause is the reason we move. If but for one brief second to be use as God tool,

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