1ldvirtue | Poetry Vibe
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Like little drops of rain each particles falls,

like tears of joy the future calls,

Every day you are born again,

to a new set of years and brand new friends,

to new experiences where dreams turn to goals,

and a little girl's laughter has you wanting to know,

has you craving the stepping on toes, and mixed matched shoes and unwashed clothes,

the motherhood dream that is a night mare at times, but no one would take back a moment if it would take away from your shine, 

Girl power begins the day your conceived,

it is in every moment that you are drenched in love and your thoughts are received,

every second that you know that  your unpredictable way is the way women move, and the reason we stay,

we stay for color, the rhythm, the rhyme,

we stay for the balance ,

we love what we find, in the not knowing, but loving any way,

that is a girl who’ll be a woman some ay,

these are our traits,

these are not woes, to carry those less fortunate, it’s a longing from the soul,

some see a plight,

I see a dance, each one that teaches one gives way to romance,

to love,

to a healthy point of view,

to change as we learn what women really do,

the importance of every decision we make,

the balance we bring when we use the light to banish hate,   

 We make the difference, subtle it seems.

We give those that are watching the reason to dream,

to reach,

to yearn and know that they can, because we move outside of fear, and glide in the desire to understand,

they want to know why we move like we do, and the reason are simple,

we all realize for one in this world we are that dream that came true, and God say all is possible and he alone is truth,

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